Due to some enforced house moves (don’t ask) I’ve been thinking about how to stay creative and productive amongst the semi chaos that ensues every month. What I’m noticing is that I’ve become quite good at efficiently setting a space to work, sleep and be safe amongst all the change. I'm interested to see if all these changes are actually helping me be more creative and also to see what habits I carry with me, inherently or intuitively, as means to get back into an established patterns quickly.
But what about external drivers to help with blocks or procrastination?
Is it better to make small incremental changes to an idea or throw it out and start again if its not working?
And how does introducing randomness into a process help with creativity?
I know that walking particularly at the beach with long vistas of the horizon, or in gardens amongst nature clearly works to refresh when feeling stuck ... or just over it. There is clearly enough evidence to show that having unstructured time can make you more creative and able to problem solve, be less stressed and overall more successful in achieving your goals. Maybe its having the equal mix of structure and spontaneity that assists and not being stressed about missing out something (FOMO is now a described as a potential mental and health issue).
More thoughts to follow on observations on creative blocks.