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Do you know I write on two blog sites?

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I often feel there's little separating the topics I post on either of my blog sites.

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The Creative Catalyst website (this site) is focused on offerings about creativity tools to assist your individual approach, the organisational gains to be found diving into creativity, the links between art and science and particularly neuroscience and the health and mental well-being benefits to be found through a creative problem solving as well as an arts based approach.
My art practice site is dedicated to my own art discovery, reflections on exhibitions and artists I admire and the value I've found by exploring different artistic mediums. I also find that my voice on climate change, biodiversity and sustainability issues, as its communicated through the arts, end up on this blog site.
So you can appreciate there are often overlaps on the post's relevance to each website's main theme.

The creation of both blogs is historic and one day I'll resolve it!. But for the moment I'm going to create links to posts that have a relevance across both websites.

My art practice blog can be found at
