
It ended up being one of those life changing moments, that I reflect on often and wonder why me… why now?
After a slow burn, while I’m not happy I was there, of all the places to be, I’ve become grateful for the experience.
I saw the best and worst in people and in myself. I made significant decisions on my return to Australia, about priorities, what’s important and how I would spend my time on this earth. Without being too instagram glib… #What a gift.
And art played a great role to help me come to terms with the randomness of the whole time.
I undertook post grad in visual arts and returned to the image that I purchased from a street photographer a few days before the event. I ended up playing with the image and the version below, ironically water damaged since it was created many years ago.
‘They’ say art heals, well it has certainly had a profound effect on me. To return to a childhood passion. In many ways this has led me here today, facilitating and writing about the power of creativity. Yes indeed 20 years on … What a gift.
I’m still in awe of the bravery I witnessed, how good and compassionate we can be. For those in pain today, revisiting that warm Autumn Tuesday morning, be kind to yourself and acknowledge your own strength and resilience.