Enhance Creativity
Throughout Your Lifespan
The Creative Advantage Life Cycle Online Program Series
Imagine what our lives would look like if we reframed the way we approach its significant stages with a more creative enhancing mindset.
Creativity is the most important asset we have to negotiate through this rapidly changing world. From the way we manage our work life and conduct business, to how we learn a new skill, model behaviours for our children and shape the way we age to express our unique selves, the creative brain has no limits.
This series of online programs highlights how creativity is visible in those seemingly small decisions we make daily, through to exploring the enormous reach we can have as parents, educators, mentors, managers, community leaders and in everyday life.
Check out the online programs that correspond to the significant stages in our life cycle
Find out more at the store
Understand the formative roles we can play in influencing the development of children
Check out the introductory video here.
Learn how to pursue creativity in your workplace, to enhance both your individual skills and assist your organisation to succeedCheck out the introductory video hereExplore how to optimise our health and wellbeing and reduce cognitive decline
Check out the introductory video here
Live a Creative Life
All programs support you to tap into positive peak experiences and shape a vision for a creative life well lived
Want to find out more?
Get in touch via the homepage contact form
The Creative Catalyst acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands
in which we live, learn and work.
We are humbled by the knowledge, resilience and creativity of the First Nations.
We pay our respects to the Kulin Nation and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders.
Always was Always will be.
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